Our Story

The Eastern Bay of Plenty Network Trust


This initiative was founded by The E Network Trust, after TENT experienced the difficulties in gaining funding, helped run events around the wider EBOP, and fostered relationships with other charities. It became apparent that many of the community organisations in the Eastern Bay struggle to find the information they need to apply for funding, and find other organisations to work alongside that can help them provide for their communities better.

The aim of EBOP Network Trust is to foster relationships between like-minded individuals and organisations that value helping the community. By putting individuals that can provide support together with the community organisations that are actively trying to enrich the Eastern Bay of Plenty, we can help strengthen the EBOP social sector and can provide for our communities better.

What We DoOur Events

What we do

EBOP Community Network is pleased to provide a space to learn, share and sign up for community focused events and projects in the Eastern Bay of Plenty.  With a focus on building connections between organisations and the community and increasing accessibility to information, we are providing our EBOP communities with opportunities to share experiences and knowledge.

EBOP Community Network also provides support to the Eastern Bay Volunteering and Social sector in the following ways:

  • Promoting and participating in charitable and community events in the EBOP
  • Coordinating, consulting or co-hosting events on behalf of EBOP charitable and community organisations
  • Promoting and sourcing volunteers to fill roles and provide support to not for profits, charities and community events 

If you are part of a charitable organisation or non profit in the EBOP, please get in touch with us to see how we can help you, and to be added to our mailing list for upcoming events and workshops.

Networking Events

These events encourage connecting and collaborating between community, not for profit, and charitable organisations in rural communities plus larger towns like Whakatane, Opotiki and Kawerau. The aim is to share ideas and community initiatives and to provide support to one another.


Our Workshops bring you together with individuals that can answer your questions and offer tips and tricks to keep organisation running smoothly, plus help you to introduce new skills and develop processes to grow your community initiatives.


We’ve helped run events in the Eastern Bay of Plenty for years now and our team have fostered relationships with many of the not for profit, community and charitable organisations in the area, but we are ALWAYS looking to collaborate with more people and organisations in the future


Let us know who you are looking for and through our connection with TENT we can help you find the people that will be the right fit for positions in your organisation, as well as experienced volunteers for your next event. 

Latest  from EBOP Community Network

It was great fun helping with this project. We worked with an awesome volunteer marketing guru to come up with the design.If you are keen to get help with something similar, get in touch at info@tent.org.nzHave you spotted our snazzy signage around town? We're very grateful to the Locky Docks team for helping to raise awareness of the work we're doing in the community. Our team are waiting to help you at 21 Boon Street.Monday-Friday 9:30-3:30. ... See MoreSee Less
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