TIMING: 19th August, 2023 10:00am – 2:00pm
WHERE: Whakatāne War Memorial Hall
Contact us at info@tent.org.nz
Eastern Bay of Plenty MEET THE LOCALS/Doing Great Things is a FREE community event with fun, family friendly activities that also showcases local groups and community initiatives in the Eastern Bay of Plenty community, including organisations focussed on worthy causes, art & culture organisations, service organisations that run projects to support the community, environmental groups supporting sustainability, through to emergency services, clubs and sports groups.
Come to the EBOP MEET THE LOCALS community event for the chance to:
- Explore what’s going on in your local community and how you can be part of it
- Meet charities and community organisations who are making a difference
- Find out how volunteering can boost your employability and benefit your career
- Looking for that perfect volunteer opportunity?
- Want to make an impact in your community?
- Come along and speak with representatives of local groups to find you fit and passion
This event is organised by EBOP Community Network, under TENT/The Events Network Trust, a registered charitable trust.